New York Comic Con 2012 (NYCC)

Irony had it that since my new cosplay addition was Haru from Rave, this con really ended up a groove adventure. Pictures alone won’t really do the story justice, so I will get to it right after the photographic glory.

Lots of new faces, lots of familiar ones, and one crazy 4-day con. Starting from Thursday:

Met up with new faces I was rooming with for Fri-Sat with since they got to the con as early as I did, but neither of us had any accommodations for the first day. Sleeping in the car is nice and all, but not in that weather and not with 3 people and a giant sword. Luckily, we bumped into one of my friends who was mostly doing Domon Kasshu from G Gundam for this con. Great luck with which I went ahead to move my junk from the car to the hotel. On my way, I somehow lost my 4-day pass for the con due to carrying too much stuff. Feeling completely blown, ended up going to the con area to try my luck since one of the new friends also needed a pass. By amazing chance of luck, we bumped into some guy who was leaving that day and not coming back at all, so he gave me his 4-day for free. Amazing turn of the events thus far. We all went back to the hotel and celebrated collectively.

Debuted Haru all day long, with the only real highlight being piggyback jousting using my sword and a maid whose skirt was going all around the world in the wind. Bystanders found that whole notion quite amusing. Later on I took Domon to Village Yokocho and Decibel where he tried sake for the first time. Per return to the hotel, we got nicely smacked and Lake Toya had his way with Domon. lol


Waltzed around as Gintoki and looked quite in-character given my hangover from the night before. Highlight of this night was the free, huge after  party in Webster Hall that we went to after all was said and done.


Did not start off so nicely since my car got towed and the ticket, towing fee, and an extra night at the hotel set me back a good half of a big buck.

All in all, was quite the adventure this year and I made it back in one piece. Pheeeeew.

Also, here’s a slideshow I compiled for my YouTube:

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